- Sarmiento introduced the concept of functional cast bracing
- He treated 1000 tibial fractures with non union rate of 1.1%
- Presence of an intact fibula had both positive and negative effects: it was associated with more rapid union, but it was also associated with an increased risk of angulatory deformity
- Current non-operative criteria include : stable fracture pattern, as defined by coronal angulation of <5°, sagittal angulation of <10°, rotation of <5°, and shortening of <1 cm
- Assessment for any cortical bridging by four months postoperatively is a reliable, accurate predictor of tibial shaft fracture-healing
- Safe zone for nail placement is 9.1 ± 5 mm lateral to the midline of the plateau and 3 mm lateral to the center of the tibial tubercle
- Reamed nailing is preferred as snug fit nail can be put. Smaller nails lead to implant failure and non unions
- Tibial shaft fracture nonunion is a devastating chronic medical condition that negatively affects both physical and mental health and quality of life