- The optimum 90 day cut off values are 6,130 cells/µL for WBCs ; 39.8 mg/L for CRP; 39.5 mm/hour for ESR; 79.5% for PMN percentage
- Beware of High false-negative rates
- Prevalence of suspected culture-negative PJI – 22%.
- Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) is a rapid, reliable and feasible technique
- Prevent infection by managing host factors such as malnutrition, obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, and urinary tract infections.
- The widely accepted gold standard for treating PJI after TKA is a 2-stage reimplantation
- Mean mortality rate of 14.4% over an average follow-up of 3.8 years
- In the patients revised within 90 days, success rate was 90%, regardless of the involved microorganism
- Arthrodesis for revision failures