- Pathologic contact between margin of posterior glenoid and posterior rotator cuff tendons
- Affects overhead athletes, Arm in full external rotation and abduction of at least 90°.
- Associated Pathologic Conditions include Increased glenohumeral external rotation, Increased humeral head and glenoid retroversion, Anterior capsular laxity, Posterior capsular contracture, Partial and full-thickness rotator cuff tears, Anterior and posterior capsular injury, Labral tears, glenoid chondral erosion, Chondromalacia, biceps lesions
- An axillary-view radiograph may reveal a Bennett lesion, an extra-articular ossification of the posterior capsule that occurs secondary to chronic strain on a pathologically tight posterior capsule in patients with GIRD
- Non operative management include daily posterior capsular stretching, strengthening of the dynamic shoulder stabilizers, injections to Bennets lesion
- Operative management are Arthroscopic débridement of a partial-thickness tear of the supraspinatus and glenoid lesions, Derotational humeral osteotomy with a myorrhaphy of the subscapularis muscle etc