- Elbow dislocations are classified according to position of ulna & radius in relation to the distal humerus
- Post- dislocation account for 80-90% of all dislocations
- Fall backward on arm with elbow in flexed position with Forearm supinated is most common mechanism
- Extensive myositis ossificans around joint esp. in brachialis & triceps brachi muscles, Marked shortening of triceps muscle, Shortening of medial & collateral ligaments etc are pathoanatomic changes seen
- Arm is generally fixed in extension or in very slight flexion with minimal range of motion with limited pronation and supination
- Treatment options include : Closed reduction, Open reduction, Excision arthroplasty, Interposition or replacement arthroplasty, Arthrodesis
- Open reduction of old unreduced dislocation of elbow requires exposure of joint on both medial and lateral side and identification and protection of ulnar Nerve. Also it may require lengthening of triceps, collateral ligaments and transposition of unlar nerve
- After open reduction, stability of elbow is achieved by k wire, Arafiles cruciate ligament reconstruction or hinged ex-fix.
- Total elbow arthroplasty is indicated in unreduced elbow dislocations more than 3 months old where stability is required