• Most common – dorsal dislocation of the PIP joint, associated fracture of the volar articular surface of the middle phalanx. 
  • Most stable when reduced in a flexed position.
  • Dislocations with fractures of <30% of the joint surface that prove stable after closed reduction are buddy-taped to an adjacent finger
  • Extension block pinning is indicated for treating unstable dorsal PIP fracture-dislocation and fractures that require excessive flexion to maintain the joint reduction. 
  • Dynamic external fixation is unique in its ability to treat complete articular fractures where the dorsal and volar articular surfaces are fractured off the middle phalanx
  • Other treatment methods include hook plate, mini plate fixation, and arthroplasty
  • Volar PIP fracture dislocations occur when the central slip of the extensor mechanism is fractured off of the middle phalanx. They require suture fixation with a bone anchor and suture into the central slip

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