• Arthritis = inflammation of the joints. 
  • About 30% of adults have arthritis
  • Obesity: increases the mechanical stress in a weight-bearing joints and is strongly linked to OA of the knees 
  • Treatment options : Exercise, Weight control, Rest and joint care, Pain relief techniques, Medicines, Alternative therapies, Education, Surgery
  • Avoid squatting, sitting crossed leg, low beds, chairs, and toilets, elevate them when possible 
  • Intra-articular steroid injections provides considerable relief but should only be done sparingly, because repeated injections can cause cartilage degeneration, damaging the joint
  • Joint preserving surgeries : arthroscopic lavage, osteotomies, cartilage transplantation
  • Advanced arthritis with Pain not responding to medical treatment or large amount of analgesic requirement needs arthroplasty

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