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Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis

Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis

Lateral curvature of the spine that develops in adult patients due to degeneration of the discs and arthritis of the facet joints Axial back pain is more likely associated with lateral, rotational subluxation and sagittal malalignment in the lumbar legion. Radicular pain is more likely associated with central, lateral-recess, and/or foraminal stenosis Full-length anteroposterior and lateral radiographs with the patient…

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Developmental Coxa Vara

Developmental Coxa Vara

Decreased neck-shaft angle that is associated with an ossification defect in inferior femoral neck Etiology : Developmental, Congenital Acquired, Dysplasia, Cretinism Presents with altered gait, short limb, excessive lumbar lordosis  X rays : Varus neck shaft angle <120 degrees, Short femoral neck, vertical physis, Triangular metaphyseal fragment in inferior femoral neck, Increased Hilgenreiner’s epiphyseal angle (normal <25 degrees), Decreased femoral anteversion Operative: indications are…

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Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

More common in females (6:1), first born, left hip (60%) more than right, and Bilateral in 20% Presentation depends on the age of baby Barlow and ortalani test sensitive upto to 95% in first 6 weeks and there after sensitivity decreases  USG scan investigation of choice in suspected new born cases Radiographs useful after 6 months of age As the child grows, following…

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Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuytren’s Contracture

Flexion contractures in digits  Pathologic thickening and proliferation of the fascial elements Contractures of the metacarpophalangeal joints of >30°  and fixed contractures of the proximal interphalangeal joints require intervention Collagenase injections significantly reduced contractures and improved range of motion in affected joints Needle aponeurotomy has compared favorably to traditional fasciectomy in terms of residual extension deficit and overall hand function…

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Elbow Tendinopathies

Elbow Tendinopathies

Most often affecting the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) origin and Flexor carpi radialis/pronator teres origin on the medial side Overuse leads to tendon disrepair with abnormalities of tendon collagen and degenerative features  Non operative management includes Physical therapy, Bracing/splinting,Corticosteroid injections, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections Open surgical method : Release and debridement of the ECRB origin with or without re-attachment…

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Benign chondrogenic tumor composed of hyaline cartilage caused by an abnormality of chondroblast function in the physis Most common in 20-50 year olds Most common locations hand (60%) > feet Associated conditions: Ollier’s disease (multiple enchondromatosis) and Maffucci’s syndrome Presents with pathological fracture or angular deformities  X rays show Pop-corn” stippling, arcs, whorls, rings Symptomatic and Pathologic fractures – immediate curettage and grafting is now favoured Watch out for risk of malignant transformation in…

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