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Patellar Resurfacing In TKR

Patellar Resurfacing In TKR

Deciding factors ARE Obesity, Chondromalacia, Patellofemoral degeneration,Anterior knee pain No significant differences : Resurfacing Vs Nonresurfacing Outerbridge Classification: Grading system for joint cartilage breakdown 21.5 times greater risk of the need for subsequent patellar resurfacing in patients with Outerbridge grade IV No evidence was found to suggest that either patellar resurfacing or the prosthetic design affects the clinical outcome of…

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Patient Satisfaction after Total Knee replacement

Patient Satisfaction after Total Knee replacement

82% to 89% of patients are satisfied with the results of TKR Participants placed the highest value on surgeon factors, including level of experience, complication rates Psychopathology was associated with worse Knee Society scores 1 year postoperatively postoperative pain management is one of the most important satisfaction-related parameters for patients undergoing TKA Patient-reported assessment is the best way to determine…

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Pediatric Femur Fractures

Pediatric Femur Fractures

Pavlik harness has become common treatment for infants younger than about 6 months of age Hip spica cast is the most common treatment for preschool-age children (up through about 6 years).  Angulation up to about 15° in the coronal plane and 20° to 25°in the sagittal plane is acceptable. 6-10 years: Nonrigid nails: mainstay of treatment Submuscular plates are ideal…

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Peripheral Nerve Injury

Peripheral Nerve Injury

Modes of injury : stretching, compression and laceration  Distal segment undergoes Wallerian degeneration  Functional recovery during regeneration (in order)-sympathetic activity: Pain, Temperature sensation, Touch, Proprioception, Motor function Seddon and Sunderland classifications commonly used NCV and EMG are useful in diagnosing and assessing recovery Neurotmesis requires surgical end to end primary repair or nerve grafting  Other treatment options include neurotization, nerve transfer, and…

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Periprosthetic Fractures

Periprosthetic Fractures

Combination of fractured bone with an existing prosthesis makes these fractures challenging Mortality rate within one year following surgical treatment of periprosthetic femoral fractures is high If the Stem/component loose then revision of the component, with adjunctive stabilization of the fracture with a plate or allograft/plate composite is required.  If the Stem/component well fixed then the component should be retained…

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Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease

1 in 10000, 4-8 years of age, males affected more Insidious onset, may cause painless limp, intermittent hip, knee, groin or thigh pain Loss of internal rotation and abduction is classical  Pathophysiology : Osteonecrosis occurs secondary to disruption of blood supply to femoral head; Revascularization with subsequent resorption and later collapse  X Ray- AP of pelvis and frog leg lateral Bone scan and…

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