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Reconstruction, Realignment and Replacement of Knee joint. Arthroscopic surgery, treatment of knee fractures and Hip replacement Joint Replacement Surgery, Spine Surgery and has performed over 5000 complex surgeries
Fellowship in Joint Replacement, AIIMS “Indian Orthopedic Association’’ and “Indian Federation of Sports Medicine’’
Younger patients (from 20 to 50 years of age) – high-energy vehicular trauma or falls from significant heights, Older patients (from 60 to 80 years of age) – low-energy falls and concomitant osteoporosis Posterior column: Quadrilateral surface, Posterior wall and dome, Ischial tuberosity, Greater/lesser sciatic notches Anterior column: ilium (gluteus medius tubercle), Anterior wall and dome, Iliopectineal eminence, Lateral superior…
Mayo definition, ≥62 mm in women and ≥66 mm in men Bone deficiencies are mostly filled by the cup itself Reduction of the need for bone-grafting Possible normalization of the hip center of rotation Disadvantages : May ream away posterior wall, column, Screws required, May raise hip centre of rotation, High rate of dislocation Contraindicated in Pelvic discontinuity, Unstable cup,…