Present with pain, numbness and burning sensation in fingers with or without weakness Clinical examination, USG and Electrodiagnostic evaluations are needed to diagnose Ultrasound has a higher specificity than nerve conduction studies, making it the better confirmatory test If symptoms persist after nonoperative treatment, most commonly consisting of bracing and/or corticosteroid injection, surgical release of the carpal tunnel is indicated

Flexion contractures in digits Pathologic thickening and proliferation of the fascial elements Contractures of the metacarpophalangeal joints of >30° and fixed contractures of the proximal interphalangeal joints require intervention Collagenase injections significantly reduced contractures and improved range of motion in affected joints Needle aponeurotomy has compared favorably to traditional fasciectomy in terms of residual extension deficit and overall hand function…

Benign chondrogenic tumor composed of hyaline cartilage caused by an abnormality of chondroblast function in the physis Most common in 20-50 year olds Most common locations hand (60%) > feet Associated conditions: Ollier’s disease (multiple enchondromatosis) and Maffucci’s syndrome Presents with pathological fracture or angular deformities X rays show Pop-corn” stippling, arcs, whorls, rings Symptomatic and Pathologic fractures – immediate curettage and grafting is now favoured Watch out for risk of malignant transformation in…