Knee Replacement

Infection after TKR

Infection after TKR

The optimum 90 day cut off values are 6,130 cells/µL for WBCs ; 39.8 mg/L for CRP; 39.5 mm/hour for ESR; 79.5% for PMN percentage Beware of High false-negative rates  Prevalence of suspected culture-negative PJI – 22%.  Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) is a rapid, reliable and feasible technique  Prevent infection by managing host factors such as malnutrition, obesity, smoking,…

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Patellar Resurfacing In TKR

Patellar Resurfacing In TKR

Deciding factors ARE Obesity, Chondromalacia, Patellofemoral degeneration,Anterior knee pain No significant differences : Resurfacing Vs Nonresurfacing Outerbridge Classification: Grading system for joint cartilage breakdown 21.5 times greater risk of the need for subsequent patellar resurfacing in patients with Outerbridge grade IV No evidence was found to suggest that either patellar resurfacing or the prosthetic design affects the clinical outcome of…

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Patient Satisfaction after Total Knee replacement

Patient Satisfaction after Total Knee replacement

82% to 89% of patients are satisfied with the results of TKR Participants placed the highest value on surgeon factors, including level of experience, complication rates Psychopathology was associated with worse Knee Society scores 1 year postoperatively postoperative pain management is one of the most important satisfaction-related parameters for patients undergoing TKA Patient-reported assessment is the best way to determine…

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