
Knee Dislocation

Knee Dislocation

High-energy vehicular trauma and Sport injuries Diagnosis is clinical  MRI to confirm multiligament knee injury Injury to CPN and popliteal artery  External fixation if Soft tissue envelope compromised, If reduction cannot be maintained and To assist with protecting a vascular repair Surgical treatment often combines arthroscopic and open ligament reconstruction and can be single- or two-staged Functional outcomes are depended…

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Knee – Mutiligament Injuries

Knee – Mutiligament Injuries

Result from direct knee impact during motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle collisions, and falls from a height Vascular injury associated with knee dislocation – 3.3% to 64%. Neurologic dysfunction with multiligament knee injury or knee dislocation – 10% to 40% Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is needed to assess the knee ligamentous injuries  Schenck Classification is used for Knee Dislocations Acute treatment…

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Medial Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Knee

Medial Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Knee

Injuries to the medial collateral ligament (MCL)—most common ligamentous injury of the knee Mechanism  – valgus knee loading, external rotation, or both Valgus stress test at both 0° and 30° of knee flexion – increased medial joint opening and diminished endpoint MRI can assess the integrity, severity and location  Non operative management for grade I and II Complete MCL injury…

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Meniscal Injuries

Meniscal Injuries

Untreated meniscal tears are at increased risk for developing osteoarthritis  Medial tears more common Classified based on location, position,  and pattern. Mechanical symptoms (locking and clicking), especially with squatting Clinical examination: joint line tenderness, Apley compression, Thessaly test, McMurray’s test MRI – most sensitive diagnostic test Operative includes : Partial meniscectomy, Meniscal repair, Meniscal transplantation, Total meniscectomy Success rates for meniscal repair…

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Patellar Resurfacing In TKR

Patellar Resurfacing In TKR

Deciding factors ARE Obesity, Chondromalacia, Patellofemoral degeneration,Anterior knee pain No significant differences : Resurfacing Vs Nonresurfacing Outerbridge Classification: Grading system for joint cartilage breakdown 21.5 times greater risk of the need for subsequent patellar resurfacing in patients with Outerbridge grade IV No evidence was found to suggest that either patellar resurfacing or the prosthetic design affects the clinical outcome of…

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Patient Satisfaction after Total Knee replacement

Patient Satisfaction after Total Knee replacement

82% to 89% of patients are satisfied with the results of TKR Participants placed the highest value on surgeon factors, including level of experience, complication rates Psychopathology was associated with worse Knee Society scores 1 year postoperatively postoperative pain management is one of the most important satisfaction-related parameters for patients undergoing TKA Patient-reported assessment is the best way to determine…

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