OrthoPedic Surgeon

Congenital Muscular Torticollis

Congenital Muscular Torticollis

Caused  by contracture of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle Result of intrauterine compartment syndrome of SCM muscle Associated with DDH (5 – 20% association) metatarsus adductus, plagiocephaly, congenital atlanto-occipital abnormalities Head tilt towards the affected side with chin rotation away from the affected side Treatment starts with Passive stretching Operative- Failed response to at least 1 year of stretching, Significant deformity  SCM…

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Conservative Spine Care

Conservative Spine Care

Mixed pain relief and functional improvement after 5 to 10 sessions of spinal manipulation over 2 to 4 weeks NSAIDs or skeletal muscle relaxants – first line, use should be limited to 4 weeks after acute onset most patients with acute or subacute low back pain improve over time regardless of treatment Greater likelihood for a positive response from ESI…

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Coracoid Process Transfer for Recurrent Instability of the Shoulder

Coracoid Process Transfer for Recurrent Instability of the Shoulder

Recurrence of instability is glenoid bone loss ≥30% bone loss in the glenoid need bone graft Bone defect involving  > 21% glenoid decreases force required to subluxation Latarjets procedure increases the stability by restoring the AP diameter, sling effect to support the anteroinferior aspect of the capsule and dynamic contraction of the conjoined muscles      Screw  in the coracoid process is…

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Damage Control Orthopaedics

Damage Control Orthopaedics

Damage control orthopaedics is an approach that contains and stabilizes orthopaedic injuries so that the patient’s overall physiology can improve It focuses on control of hemorrhage, management of soft-tissue injury, achievement of provisional fracture stability, avoiding additional insults to the patient It remains a clinical decision when to shift from early total care to damage control orthopaedics Days 2, 3,…

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Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis

Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis

Lateral curvature of the spine that develops in adult patients due to degeneration of the discs and arthritis of the facet joints Axial back pain is more likely associated with lateral, rotational subluxation and sagittal malalignment in the lumbar legion. Radicular pain is more likely associated with central, lateral-recess, and/or foraminal stenosis Full-length anteroposterior and lateral radiographs with the patient…

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Developmental Coxa Vara

Developmental Coxa Vara

Decreased neck-shaft angle that is associated with an ossification defect in inferior femoral neck Etiology : Developmental, Congenital Acquired, Dysplasia, Cretinism Presents with altered gait, short limb, excessive lumbar lordosis  X rays : Varus neck shaft angle <120 degrees, Short femoral neck, vertical physis, Triangular metaphyseal fragment in inferior femoral neck, Increased Hilgenreiner’s epiphyseal angle (normal <25 degrees), Decreased femoral anteversion Operative: indications are…

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