
Spine in ankylosing spondylitis

Spine in ankylosing spondylitis

Spinal involvement starts at the thoracolumbar spine and finally involves whole spine  Leads to progressive kyphosis of thoracic spine and loss of lordosis of cervical and lumbar spines and compensatory flexion deformity of hips and knees Costovertebral joints affected which leads to restrictive lung capacities  Sacroiliitis occurs early in the course of ankylosing spondylitis and is regarded as a hallmark…

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Spine in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Spine in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cervical spine is commonly affected in RA Following involvement is seen in decreasing order: Anterior atlontoaxial subluxation, atlantoaxial subluxation combined with subaxial Subluxation, Isolated subaxial subluxation, Superior migration of odontoid (a/k/a basilar invagination or vertical atlontoaxial instability Present with neck pain and paraesthesia / numbness in upper/lower extremities X rays are useful in identifying cervical spine changes Non operative management…

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Commonest form of skeletal TB  Haematogenous spread from primary focus (active / quiescent) Involvement of paradiscal parts of two contiguous vertebrae (typical lesion) due to common blood supply Presentation : Deformity, neurological deficit, pain Constitutional symptoms – fever, malaise, anorexia, weight loss Based on development of neurological symptoms its is classified into early (<2yrs) and late(>2yrs) Radiological investigations only reveal…

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